Visual check the page since it's hard to sum up NOTE: Displays as Where Is It in ModMenu Visual display ping in milliseconds instead Visual your food + mount's health is displayed at same time, experience bar only gets replaced while actually jumping Tweak set a delay between when you finish eating and when you can place blocks, to prevent eating and accidentally placing down a torch Visual minimalistic vanilla-style to show an extended hotbar with your armor, and a red bouncy thing when it's low durability Tweak Allows you to change audio output device without restarting minecraftįeature May be considered hacks press F12 to continue holding down right click even if you open chat or swap windowsįeature Switches to the correct tool when you punch a block, configurable

Tweaks for keybinds, but is overwritten by Controlling for Fabric Visual also enlarges advancements screen, rendering advancements enlarger uselessįeatures Server Reconnect, AFK Damage Logout Threshold, and it's all configurable Visual more information about items in tooltip, but Beenfo is still useful Tweak easier to accurately place blocks quickly, check the demonstration gif OF-Alt/Visual Meant to replicate Optifine's CIT while being compatible with Sodium! (Sodium not required) OF-Alt/Visual/Shaders Shaders that supports Optifine's format and is compatible with Sodium
#Minecraft 1.17 hack client install#
OF-Alt/Optimization A replacement for what people used to expect of optifine optimization NOT NEEDED IF YOU INSTALL IRIS, IRIS HAS A CUSTOM VERSION OF SODIUM ALREADY BUNDLED WITH IT between Sodium & Enhanced Block Entities (or CBT/CTM)
#Minecraft 1.17 hack client mod#
Just throw all of these mods into the mod folder without thinking about it